[INTRODUCTION] How to start learning a new language!

Gepubliceerd op 25 februari 2024 om 20:04

You probably came here to learn Dutch! But where to start?? Today I'll be giving you 6 tips to make it easier to start learning a new language!


1. Set clear language goals 

First, it's important to know as to why you want or need to learn this language. What is the benefit and once you know the language what do you gain? Once the answers to those questions are clear it will be much easier to stay motivated. 


Setting SMART goals is crucial, don't simply say: "I want to be fluent in one year". Make it:

Specific - a good example would be "I want to take the NT2 B1 exam on June 21, six months from now."

Measurable - how will you know you're on the right track? What is the concrete evidence that will show you you achieved the goal?

Achievable - Is it realistic? It has to be something you can actually attain, leave behind the perfectionism!

Relevant - Does it relate to what you're hoping to accomplish?

Time-bound - The goal must have a timeframe and deadline (make it reasonable!).


2. Learn the alphabet 

If the alphabet is different from yours, whether it's different characters or simply pronunciation, it's a smart plan to start of with that. That way you won't start with reading and pronouncing everything wrong right from the start, it will be much harder to change afterwards.


3. Learn the most used vocabulary words as soon as possible

The Dutch language has about 430.000 words (not counting all forms or words including from earlier ages, that will come up to 60 million!). But luckily for you, the average Dutch native speaker only knows about 38.000-42.000 words (which has almost doubled in comparison to ten years ago!). 

But have you ever heard of the 80/20 principle? The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes. 

In other words, you only need to learn 200 Dutch words to be able to say 80% of daily used sentences.


4. Converse with native speakers 

Speaking with natives will improve your speaking and listening skills significantly in a short time. You learn to speak the language more naturally, how they truly speak. Not just textbook based sentences! Be sure to use apps, book some sessions with me;) or visit the Netherlands to converse with natives.


5. Find your learning style

It's very important to find or design a learning style that works for YOU. Every person studies better in different circumstances, environment or with different methods. 

There are a lot of learning styles out there, don't know which one applies to you yet? Find out more about different learning styles here

Make sure to stick with a learning style for some time. If you keep switching, it will affect your learning ability. Make sure to try out a learning style for a while before deciding this is not the one for you. 


6. Make it fun!

To stay excited and motivated about the language you need to make it fun! Read books in Dutch, watch movies in Dutch (with Dutch subtitles), listen to fun podcasts and artists! There are going to be some days where you are completely unmotivated and are just not feeling like it. Watch a fun movie! That way you still manage to immerse yourself in the language even when it's a difficult day:). 



Thank you for reading my first blog:). I hope to write many more with helpful tips and useful exercises! Do you have any other language learning tips that worked superb for you? Then share them with the rest of us in the comments!

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